Friday, May 1, 2015

ESL video vs. Edpuzzle

Wow, what a frustrating assignment.  I could NOT figure out how to embed the URL code for ESL video into Schoology, and spent over an hour working on this, looking it up in Google, watching different videos that were supposed to show me, looking at my classmates' assignments to see if I could figure out how they did it.  I have a quote posted, I believe on my old Myspace page (if any of you are old enough to have used this site before Facebook came out); "Technology is great.  When it works."  (And just checked, Myspace DOES still exist, but it's totally different; your old "page" is gone.  FYI.  :)
That was this week's assignment for me.  I LOVED the screenshot program, and am already beginning to use it.  I was familiar with Edpuzzle, as I tried to see if I could use it for a story video I was using in my classroom, but it was awkward, as the video was quite fast for my students, and had to be paused after every sentence.  But when I went on, I found some GREAT videos, and used one of them (from youtube) to make an ESLvideo quiz, and another to make an Edpuzzle quiz.  Both programs are nice, but different.  I like that there is a database of videos for each level, so it's a wonderful source for videos, and one that I will continue to use.  I didn't like that the questions can ONLY be written, and though students can answer the questions at any time (during or after the video), for beginning students, an extra hint about where in the video the answer can be found (as in Edpuzzle, where the video pauses for questions) may be necessary.  Also, that quizzes MUST be written can limit its use with beginner students.  My biggest problem with ESLvideo was that the embed codes didn't work.  I was unable to embed it (whether user error or site error is yet to be discovered).  However, Edpuzzle was quite easy to embed (although I'm also not sure if I did it correctly), making it more user-friendly.  I like being able to insert questions throughout the video, either verbal or written, although I wish that my students could write a written reply to my verbal question.  I also like how I can speak over the video WHILE it continues to play, giving my own running commentary.  While neither tool will be used in a flipped-classroom, students-doing-it-on-their-own way, I made two video quizzes, which I plan to try out in my classroom this week.  I'll let you know how it goes.  ;)
video library with already made videos and quizes
can ONLY be written quizzes

insert questions DURING the video
questions can be verbal, not just written
able to do voice-over (like a running commentary)
video cannot be watched all the way through without pausing
must upload your own video

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